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About Crystals

Posted by Jenia Powe on

About Crystals

The healing properties of crystals are based on the understanding that everything is energy. When these energies become stagnant, unbalanced, or blocked— it can cause illness. Crystals help unblock, balance, and direct energy where it is most needed, gently supporting the body to heal therapeutically. Different types of crystals have different properties and energies. Try meditating, speaking positive affirmations, or just holding your crystal to affect your energy on a physical, spiritual, and emotional level. Amethyst   Chakra: CrownZodiac: Virgo, Pisces, Capricorn, AquariusAffirmation: Infinite possibilities are available to me.Emotional: dispels negativity, encourages inner peace, helps cope with griefPhysical: cleansing, aids...

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